About Me

My photo
Paris, France
27-year-old pharmacist & doctor in epidemiology.
Also creator of SIMPLE, a website where you can meet new people from all around the world and make new connections.
My saying: One must dream in order to achieve.

Friday, May 7, 2010

5. Feet in mud

Imagine what my life looks like:
- 24/24 in a 32m² studio
- taking care of my lovely 8-month-old daughter
- breastfeeding her 4 times a day
- cooking daily for her lunch + our lunch + her snack (used to cook also for our dinner)
- working on my PhD
- performing peer reviews for international scientific journals
- working on my super gadget SIMPLE
- & sleeping 4 to 5 hours a day.

A kind of hard-working solitary confinement for a 27-year-old-woman!
As a result, 27-year-old-woman got exhausted and had pain all over her body. Quite unusual for a healthy woman of this age. So few days ago, my husband insisted that I stop working on SIMPLE for 2 weeks, the time I recover from my fatigue. After a long discussion, I accepted.

Yesterday was my second day without SIMPLE. It was an endless day. I couldn't bare it any way. I used to chat with strangers on SIMPLE; now I feel I'm a stranger to myself. I don't recognize myself anymore. Anybody understands me? I miss myself, I really do! I miss travelling for oral communications in congresses, I miss taking happy vacations, I miss my smiles and laughs, my activities, my office, my family, my friends, my chic evenings, my piano, my eccentric last minute goes out... I miss everything, everybody!

So I made up my mind: we are going to the Champs Elysées this evening! You reader, figure out this circumstance: on the escalator of the Metro (french subway), my husband went first, then me pulling the stroller behind. But the stroller rolled backwards and I began shouting crazily trying to catch it, remove the nappy bag from down the wheels and bring it back up. In a few seconds I was up the escalator and God knows how I pulled myself and the stroller off. 2 broken nails, and non-stop shaking feet; I was traumatized!

And I can tell too many similar events. I can even write a book about it: Paris & the stroller!

Do you know how it feels when you wear new shiny shoes and have your feet in mud? This is exactly how I feel. SIMPLE is my only way out of this mud. Two days off is long enough. I'll be Simpling tonight, so join me!

By the way, have you noticed that I've changed SIMPLE's domain name? I did cause I wanted it to be clear that SIMPLE is the place to meet people from all around the world and make new connections. Now it's SimpleConnexion.com.

SIMPLE, make new connections!